Sunday, March 16, 2014

New & Improved!

Hello, everyone! So, I know what you're thinking: "Whaaaaat? This isn't Mad Love Creations? What up, yo??" Well, you're right, in a way. This is my new and improved cake business: For Goodness Cakes! Welcome, welcome. It's going to be a fun ride.

Anyway, so this updated design and name was spawned last night as a result of my neighbor's surprise 60th birthday party. She loves gardening and the color purple, which thus brought me to making this cake:

Adorbs, right?

The top layer was made of sour cream pound cake, courtesy of Paula Deen's recipe. . .

And the bottom layer was my go-to chocolate chip pound cake. 

My mom helped to organize the party. It was such a success. And the adorable butterfly lantern even lit up!

Did I mention it was from the dollar store? Score!

Anyway, it looks like the new For Goodness Cakes is going to be a hit!  Check back for more awesomeness soon! =D