Sunday, June 8, 2014

Minnie Mouse Cake!

So last week was my niece Gianna's second birthday party. This year, the theme was Minnie Mouse, and everything was adorable.

So I was asked to make the cake, and this is how it turned out!

For having done 99% of the cake in less than a day, I'm pretty proud of it!

The lettering is my favorite part, I think. I was surprised the Disney font came out so well!

It was also my first attempt at ruffles and an actual plain bow, and they also worked well! Score two for Patty!

The hat on top is made of a half-ball of Styrofoam, and the ears are made of fondant covered Oreos that I toothpicked into the head. I loved making this cake! Disney is pretty much my life. 8(|=D (That's a smiley with a Mickey hat. . .)

We'll see what creations are to come next!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

My First Commission

Hey, guys!

So a month ago I received a call for a legit wedding cake! It was for a beautiful bride named Myra. After a consultation and cake tasting with her and her mother, we decided to make a four-tiered, cream-colored wedding cake with white fondant ribbon and bows.  The result is below! I am quite proud of it. =D

 The top three tiers are Almond Cream Cheese Pound Cake, and the bottom is Triple Chocolate Cake.

It took me running to literally seven different stores in the mall, calling two different Michaels, and searching through the notions and jewelry section of Walmart before I found the brooches for the bows. But luckily, right when I was about to give up hope, I found two gorgeous pearl bracelets with detachable pins that were only $5 each at Sears!Surprising, right? But beautiful nonetheless!

The chocolate layer was filled with chocolate ganache, and everything was covered in white chocolate buttercream. Mmmm.

The whole project took a solid week to complete (since I could only work at night after working at my full-time job), but I never could have finished anything without the help of my amazing mother! Thanks, Mama! She, my father, and wonderful friend Sarah helped me deliver the cake across town in the back of a mini-van. The amount of stress and ridiculousness that occurred that day enabled us to say, many times over, how we should have our own reality show. I'd watch that. ;)

And Saturday is my niece's 2nd birthday party. I can't believe it's been a year since her last one! You remember that cake, the Under the Sea cake?

Yeah, that one!

Well, this year, the party is Minnie Mouse themed. And the cake I am going to make for the occasion is sure to be adorable! Stay tuned! =D

Sunday, March 16, 2014

New & Improved!

Hello, everyone! So, I know what you're thinking: "Whaaaaat? This isn't Mad Love Creations? What up, yo??" Well, you're right, in a way. This is my new and improved cake business: For Goodness Cakes! Welcome, welcome. It's going to be a fun ride.

Anyway, so this updated design and name was spawned last night as a result of my neighbor's surprise 60th birthday party. She loves gardening and the color purple, which thus brought me to making this cake:

Adorbs, right?

The top layer was made of sour cream pound cake, courtesy of Paula Deen's recipe. . .

And the bottom layer was my go-to chocolate chip pound cake. 

My mom helped to organize the party. It was such a success. And the adorable butterfly lantern even lit up!

Did I mention it was from the dollar store? Score!

Anyway, it looks like the new For Goodness Cakes is going to be a hit!  Check back for more awesomeness soon! =D

Friday, February 28, 2014

Release the Fandoms

So I know it's been quite a long time, and for that I apologize. But I am able to make it up to you by offering something even better.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you. . . the Ultimate Fandom Cake.

I should explain the name.

My best friend's name is Shellie. She loves Sherlock Holmes. I mean, adores him: the stories, the movies, the BBC show (not Elementary. No. Just. . . no.) 

I once wrote a story (which I realize now is what the kids call "fanfiction") where she and I were female versions of Sherlock and Dr. Watson. Shellie and Patty became Shellock and Dr. Patson. 

The names work so well though, don't they?

We often refer this to each other (and it has caught on among friends), so to incorporate the Sherlock fandom for her birthday, I used her name, and created a pipe out of vanilla fondant.

 There are a total of six different fandoms present in this cake, signifying all the things we love most.

A golden snitch from Harry Potter. . .

Pineapples for the sweet show "Psych". . .

Are you a fan of delicious flavor?

TARDIS blue fondant, bowties, and fezzes for "Doctor Who". . .
Fantastic! Allons-y! Geronimo!

"Game of Thrones" font face. . .

Awesomeness is Coming.

And Excalibur from "Merlin."
Give me a break, I made the entire cake in like three hours.
Shellie even played the epic song from the main actors of "Merlin" and pulled the sword from the stone like a bad-A!

If I had watched it then, I totally would have added a pentagram from "Supernatural" to complete the SuperWhoLock motif, but alas, maybe next year.

This was a giant flippin' cake. I once again made chocolate chip pound cake with fudge icing, but I realized it was not tall enough to adequately display the lettering and designs. So I made a layer of blondies to add flavor and height, and it was glorious.

Portion Size: Man.

So if you have any fandoms to which you'd love to express your loyalty with delicious confections, don't hesitate to call me, or beep me if you wanna reach me.  If you wanna page me, you can't. This isn't 1997, dude. Get a Facebook or something.