Saturday, May 9, 2015

A Hero's Welcome

Guys, I'm so excited. My sister is about to have her second baby (a little boy!) in just under a month! While they don't have a name picked out yet (perfection doesn't come easy), I'm just going to refer to him as the Little Hero.

So last weekend, we had a superhero-themed baby shower to welcome the Little Hero into the world! And since my brother-in-law loves Marvel, I decided to bring the awesomeness into the cake realm!

Behold, the Superhero Baby Shower Cake!

I'm so excited about it. It was my first time sculpting actual figures out of edible modeling clay. The Wolverine is my favorite!!

I'm the best at what I do, and what I do is look adorable.

He was really fun to make, especially the boots! I modeled them loosely after the Funko Pop bobbleheads (of which I have a collection of six, and it's still growing!) but added my own spin to them.

And then there's the Hulk!


I think I'm most excited about his hair. I've never done hair before! And--well, look at it!


I took a blob of black clay and snipped it randomly with scissors and pressed it on his head, and I was surprised by how well it came out!

My Spider-Man took FOREVER to do, since I had to individually place every web on his body and they kept falling off, but I think he turned out pretty okay! Although his stance makes me laugh. Compared to the battle stances of Wolverine and Hulk, his arms dangling at his side makes him look he's just so not into the whole crime-fighting thing.

With great power comes great. . . *sigh* who cares.
 The top of the cake was Captain America's Shield, made out of a Chinet paper plate (it's sturdier than card stock) and some good ol' fashioned marker drawings, complete with the phrase, "A Hero Is Born!"

Overall, I think if came out pretty well! The cityscape in the background was made by my younger sister and my friend out of old cereal boxes, paint, construction paper, and pom-poms to look like fireworks. They also put little Superman, Batman, and Flash figurines that they found from the dollar section at Target. It set the scene perfectly!

As far as the cake itself, I made cookies and cream pound cake with chocolate fudge in the layers and buttercream frosting with vanilla fondant. Om nom nom.

So when the Little Hero finally decides to make an appearance, we'll be ready for him! 

You better believe it, bub.