Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Merry (Belated) Christmas!

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year, Cakesters! Hope you all had a wonderful winter break and enjoyed spending time with your families and eating yummy things!

So I have a lot to update you guys on. Back in October, I made a wedding cake for my good friends Amy and Ryan for their fall-themed wedding.

It was a lot of fun to make, and was one of my better cakes I think! It's exciting to see my quality get a bit better with each cake =)

They had two little porcelain pumpkins as their cake toppers. Amy added a tiny top hat and veil to them. Adorable!

There were three different flavors of pound cake: sour cream, cookies and cream, and Italian Sweet Cream, all filled with white chocolate buttercream. Om nom nom.

I made the leaves out of fondant and gum paste with yellow gel color. I then painted them with a little bit of vodka (to dry fast without losing the color) and more gel color. 

Once they were dry, I used edible gold spray (Wilton brand), sprayed it on a piece of tin foil, and painted it over the leaves to give them the metallic gold sheen. The tiny gold heart sprinkled are also edible! (Can you tell I live at Michael's?)

I think it turned out really well! I'm excited about it. =) And that brings us to cake numero dos: The Christmas Cake!

Keeping it in the family, Amy's mother-in-law commissioned me to make her church group a cake for their Christmas party. When I asked her what she wanted, all she said was "Make it really, really cool."

And I thought, "Well, let's see what happens."

With the help of my mother (who went to Hallmark and found these fancy ornaments and such), I was able to pull this crafty cake together! The Santa silhouette was actually a sparkly addition that I cut out of this really beautiful Hallmark card and stuck it on the cake with candy melts. (I felt bad ruining the card, but hey, pretty cake! =D )

The whooshy winter winds was made from silver edible metal spray (that I used a paintbrush for yet again), and the stars were from white candy melts that I also painted on.

A beautiful nativity ornament!

The tree ties it all together.

Another pretty ornament that was perfect for the "O" in "Joy!"

So that's all of them so far! Sorry about the long-winded post. I really should update more often. Guess I've figured out my New Year's Resolution for 2015! =)